We create educational products for youth
aged 3 to 17
online courses
offline training
after school clubs
summer camps
We develop soft skills
Critical thinking
Global thinking
Entrepreneurial thinking
Our Services
Developing educational programs
We create unique educational tools that develop children’s fundamental knowledge, critical and creative thinking, communication skills, awareness, perseverance, and adaptability.
Creating educational materials
We develop interactive and engaging educational materials, books, and toys that help children effectively absorb knowledge.
Selecting and training teachers
We find qualified teachers and train them to ensure the high quality of the educational process.
Our work
Over 1,200 students have successfully completed our programs.
14-17 years old
Created a methodology for motivational pedagogy

14-17 years old
Online course
Course on entrepreneurial thinking

14-17 years old
Online course
Course on project management

Book for little ones about the basics of entrepreneurship

Offline training
Retraining in project-based learning
Soft skills
12-17 years old
Offline training
Assertiveness, conflict management and effective communication training

12-17 years old
Offline training
Impression management training

12-17 years old
Offline training
Adaptability training for internally displaced persons

12-17 years old
Offline training
Career guidance and future vision training

4-9 years old
Offline program
Imagination development class
Fundamental knowledge

14-17 years old
Online course
Course on Sustainable Cities of the Future

14-17 years old
Online course
Course on Regenerative Agriculture

7-13 years old
Educational Center
Interactive Educational Center in the Botanical Garden

3-6 years old
Methodological Manual
Manual for kindergarten teachers and workbooks for children on ecology

Healthy Lifestyle

14-17 years
Online course
Course on the problems of lack of sleep and their business solutions

Toys for toddlers on healthy eating

Financial Literacy

14-17 years
Online course
Course on financial literacy and capitalism
Our partners
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